White Online

Chapter 284 Superhuman.

The following morning, Isaac and Malcolm met in the front lounge with their hunting gear. Large backpacks were slung over their shoulders.

''Water… First Aid Kit… Knife… Survival Blanket… Flashlight… Lighter… Bullets…'' Isaac went through all his equipment, verifying that he hadn't forgotten anything.

Malcolm was calmly standing with his backpack hanging from his shoulders. He had already checked five times and had made sure that he hadn't forgotten anything.

Madison appeared with several plastic containers from the kitchen. The containers were small enough that she didn't have any issues toting them.

''Here you go,'' She gave the containers to Malcolm.

''Thank you.'' Malcolm stored the snacks inside of his backpack, and after patting his pockets and making sure that his phone and wallet were there, he was prepared to leave.

''Do you have your hunter license with you?'' Madison asked her husband, who almost always forgot something important when he went out.

''Right…'' He rubbed his forehead and pulled his wallet from his back pocket.

He flipped it open and saw that his hunter's license was in place, where it always had been.

''I've got it,'' Malcolm stuffed the wallet back into his pocket and gave Madison a quick peck on her cheek, ''See you tonight.''

''I'll see you both tonight!'' Madison waved her hand and smiled as Malcolm and Isaac left the house.

Once the mansion's door was closed, Malcolm pulled out his keys, pressing a button as he did so. The doors to the car opened up on their own.

Isaac sat his backpack in the backseat and sat down in the front.

Malcolm did the same and sat in the driver's seat before starting the car. The engine hummed to life, roaring as Malcolm tapped the gas pedal.


The car's engine revved as it pulled out of the driveway, and soon their journey had begun.

After the car passed through the gates, Isaac asked, ''Where will we go hunting?''

He hadn't bothered asking yet. However, he wasn't really certain how else to start a conversation, and he was curious.

''Did you see that enormous forest while you were in the air?'' Malcolm was referring to his flight in. It should have taken his grandson right over the forest.

''Umm…'' Isaac had a hazy memory but couldn't place it, ''Not quite….''

''It is around ten kilometers from Brightstar,'' Malcolm turned the steering wheel and entered another part of the neighborhood, ''It is a place where bears and wolves triumph. There are also birds, etc. It's the perfect hunting ground for anything that's in season.''

Isaac nodded and looked outside the window at the passing mansions. Fancy-looking men, women, teenagers, and children walked along the streets.

Their bodies were clothed in winter clothing. However, the clothes were way more grandiloquent than Isaac had ever seen.

The car soon left the Layer of Nobility, and the majestic mansions and luxurious vehicles faded from view.

Isaac rolled down the window and took a long and deep breath. The fresh air invaded his senses, relaxing him and filling him with satisfaction.

''Whoo…'' He breathed out deeply, enjoying the wind on his face.

Malcolm looked at him with envy. After living in Brightstar for countless years, he had lost that great sense of satisfaction that one received from the Layer of Feasting.

Strands of his pure white hair waved around him. Isaac's visage resembled a work of art, with his flawless face and hair fluttering in the wind.

He didn't bother closing the tinted window, enjoying the views and the fresh air as they slowly rolled through the streets.

Many of the elderly folks noticed him. They looked on as the car passed, fascinated by the unique-looking young man who sat in the passenger seat.

Isaac watched them. They were cooking food, their hands moving masterfully as if they had many years of experience.

As the car drove along, many young women came to a stop, turning to get a better view of the young man. However, they were fated to be disappointed as they had only managed to get a glimpse of the beautiful figure that quickly passed them by.

Once they were on the outer edge of the Layer of Feasting, Malcolm sped up, and it didn't take long before they were within the Layer of Tourism. Isaac closed the window and sighed with dissatisfaction.

They rode in silence for some time before Malcolm spoke.

"We'll be there shortly," Malcolm glanced toward the daydreaming Issac, who instantly perked up.

"Oh?" Isaac straightened his posture and focused on the road ahead. In the distance, the departure sign for Brightstar was clearly visible.

Before they arrived at the sign, Malcolm took an exit and swerved down a short side road.

A little way down the road, they came to a small parking lot that was almost empty. The only vehicle in sight was a large van with five elderly gentlemen standing around it, chatting.

Malcolm unbuckled and pulled his pack from the back seat, "Here we are."

"Okay," Issac grabbed his own pack and stepped out of the car.

Isaac observed the five old men they'd parked next to. They were all healthy and robust, just like Malcolm. If Isaac hadn't known any better, he would even think they were in their 40s.


Malcolm opened the trunk and grabbed his hunting rifle. The length of the weapon was around 150cm.

Gun in hand, Malcolm started walking toward the other men. He gestured for Isaac to follow.

''Malcolm!'' A man with a lengthy beard wearing a monocle called out and walked over. He was wearing a bright orange winter vest that covered most of his upper body.

The other men in the group walked behind him. Each was also dressed similarly, ensuring that any other hunters in the area saw their group while trekking through the woods.

''Leonardo!'' Malcolm greeted his long-time friend along with the rest of the men.

They turned to the young man who they were expecting to be there.

Leonardo took the first step and shook hands with Isaac, ''Leonardo Bluesky, nice to meet you, young fella.''

''Isaac Whitelock,'' Isaac politely replied while returning the man's solid handshake.

After they were done getting to know each other, another man took a step forward, ''My name is Charles.''

Charles had short brown hair. His beard and sideburns were trimmed, and he didn't have a mustache.

''Eugene,'' A man with shoulder-length blonde hair said while shaking Isaac's hand properly.

Isaac nodded in response.

''Franklin,'' This man had black hair and a face that was slightly more aged than others; however, he still looked like he'd been quite the handsome man when he was young.

''Isaac,'' Isaac replied with a nod and shook hands with him.

''Bentley,'' The last one greeted Isaac. He was rather odd compared to the rest of the bunch.

The man was only around 150cm, the same height as Malcolm's rifle. He was way shorter than Isaac, but a fighting spirit was burning in his eyes, despite his age and stature.

He looked like a dwarf in Isaac's eyes. A race usually seen in a fantasy story. He had a large head, bushy beard, and thick, muscular arms.

When they shook hands, Isaac felt his bones crackling, and he was having difficulty squeezing back.

''Isaac…'' He tried to reply as politely as possible, but it wasn't easy to do while his hand was being crushed.

''Bentley, don't break the boy's hand!'' Charles chuckled, ''You need to keep your strength in check; not everyone has superhuman strength like you.''

''Ah,'' Bentley removed his hand and laughed, scratching the back of his head, ''Hahaha, sorry, boy. I struggle to hold it back sometimes.''

''It's alright,'' Isaac replied while rubbing his sore hand, but he didn't feel any anger toward the man.

He felt admiration.

'His strength… Is exactly what I've aspired to have all this time…'

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