White Online

Chapter 285 The Hunting Forest.

The van stopped in front of the massive forest, reaching all the way to the horizon, no end in sight.

In front of the forest, a massive parking lot was built just for the purpose of hunters to have a place to park their vehicles and enter the forest through the entrance, which had a path leading deep inside the forest.

Anyone who used the path couldn't get lost. The forest itself was paradise for hunting.

Six elderly men and one youth with beautiful white hair left the van with their own backpacks hanging from their shoulders.

The six elderly men strapped their guns on their backs, and made sure the strap was tight enough to not hinder walking.

Isaac was empty-handed but Malcolm's bullets were on his backpack. However, he wasn't that pleased of the arrangement, and hoped that they would let him use the hunting rifle, at least once.

''Here.'' Leonardo took an orange vest from the van and gave it to Isaac, ''Just in case.''

Isaac caught it with ease and moved it over his winter jacket.

''Alright, let's go.'' Malcolm entered the path, followed by five elderly men and Isaac.

After walking for half an hour, they reached the end of the path. The end of the trail had a large clearing with a few tents and men cooking food on top of a campfire after their hunting trip.

They saw the elderly men and nodded at them. They had gotten used to seeing them and had become friends in a short period of time.

Malcolm and the rest nodded at them and walked past the tents, entering another part of the forest.

From there on, there weren't paths to take. Instead, it was all about luck and skill to find anything to hunt.

Soon, Malcolm raised his hand, and everyone behind him stopped. He crouched and saw a paw-shaped prints on the snowy ground.

''We are close…'' He whispered and stood up to continue walking.

They carefully moved forward and soon reached a fallen tree trunk.

Malcolm hid behind the tree trunk and motioned everyone to go low.

They did as he instructed.

Isaac knelt on the ground and barely managed to see an animal on the other side of the tree trunk.

A gray-furred wolf kept digging the snowy ground while a pair of fluffy ears struggled underneath.

''Wolf seems to be hunting a bunny.'' Malcolm turned around and said to them, ''This is the perfect chance.''

Leonardo unstrapped his gun and went into a kneeling position.

The rear knee was placed on the ground, while the other leg supported the elbow of the forward arm.

The elbow was nicely placed on the quadriceps, making his stance rock solid. If he had rested his elbow on the kneecap, his stance would have been very shaky, making shooting accurately near-impossible.

Isaac watched Leonardo and printed everything he saw into his mind.

Leonardo slowly put his index finger on the trigger and took a short breath.

The stock of the gun was nicely resting on his shoulder, giving him the confidence he needed to take the shot.

Slowly, he pulled the trigger and felt the recoil rocking his shoulder.


The wolf raised its head with the tufted ears perked up.

However, the next moment, a sharp projectile pierced through the skull, leaving a bullet-sized hole behind.

The wolf fell to the side, and the tail stopped swaying, signaling that the wolf had died from a swift attack.

The bunny quickly hopped out of the hole in the ground and had already disappeared with a few large leaps.

''Nice!'' The elderly men patted Leonardo's shoulder. The first hunt had been successfully completed.

Leonardo put the safety on and lowered the gun. He wiped his sweat and glanced at Isaac, ''Shooting a gun always brings a rush of emotions. It is truly the best feeling.''

Isaac nodded vigorously and could understand him perfectly. He also felt very powerful and happy whenever he fired his gun.

Malcolm jumped over the tree trunk and went to the wolf to take the trophy of a successful hunt.

Leonardo went with him, it was his hunt, after all, and he could choose which trophy he wanted.

''What are you planning to do with the wolf?'' Isaac asked.

''They will take the trophy first, it might be fang, paw, or ear, and then we will give the wolf's meat to one of our restaurants in Layer of Feasting.'' Charles calmly explained.

''You have your own restaurant?'' Isaac was surprised at the fact.

Franklin nodded, ''It is good business. A Layer of Feasting is a goldmine, and it would be foolish not to invest in it.''

Isaac nodded with understanding.

''There is a restaurant called Whitelock.'' Bentley said and almost drooled after remembering their food, ''It is Madison's, even though she barely goes there. However, chefs are excellent there.''

''If I remember correctly, Sebastian, the butler, invented the recipes,'' Eugene mentioned.

''Oh!'' Isaac was surprised again, but after remembering the delicious food he served, it wasn't a surprise.

''They are done,'' Bentley said and saw Malcolm done skinning the wolf.

Malcolm packed the wolf's sliced meats into cold containers and packed them up.

Leonardo put his trophy in his backpack. He decided to take an unusually long fang.

''Let's continue,'' Malcolm said after also picking up the fur they received from the wolf. It can be used for clothing, etc. It has multiple uses, and will sell for good money.

Isaac jumped over the tree trunk and followed after them.

After walking for another ten minutes, Malcolm stopped in a small clearing and sat down on top of a rock, ''Let's take a small break.''

The rest of the elderly men sat down on anything they could sit at and started munching on their snacks.

Isaac kept standing while looking around the forest with curiosity. Even though he couldn't see anything except dense forest and snow, his curiosity couldn't be easily quenched.

Malcolm took a bite of the sandwich, and once it'd found its way to his stomach, he turned to Isaac and asked, ''Are you interested in trying?''

''May I?'' Isaac's head instantly snapped toward his grandfather.

Malcolm unstrapped his gun and rested it on his lap, ''Come here.''

Isaac stopped next to him while the rest of the elderly men looked at the scene.

''This is safety.'' Malcolm tapped a small handle on the side of the gun, ''When you pull it back, the safety is off.''

He demonstrated that by pulling the handle back.

Isaac nodded, even though he already knew.

''This is where you put the bullet.'' He opened a small hatch on the side and showed the chamber, ''Only one bullet fits.''

Isaac nodded.

''Then… The most important part trigger.'' Malcolm pulled the trigger, and the sound of clinking could be clearly heard.

''Shooting position is very important, but I will show it to you once it is the time.'' Malcolm grabbed the gun and offered it to Isaac.

Isaac grabbed the gun with a single hand and felt the powerful and cold texture of the weapon.

He could feel that it was vastly different from White Online's guns.

Because if he shot someone with it, they won't turn into pixels.

They would die and would stay as one.

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