White Online

Chapter 596 Isaac's War (2)

Chapter 596 Isaac's War (2)


'Simo?' Isaac opened his eyes, and came face-to-face with a confused-looking soldier. He wore a white winter camouflage trenchcoat.

''Simo, these damn brown jackets are coming!'' The soldier wielded a rifle as he peeked over a small snow hill. In the distance, a hostile-looking soldiers, wearing a thick brown coats, and tightly fitted snow boots, marched through the snow.

''FIRE AT WILL!'' A loud shout came from far in the forest. As soon as the words landed in their ears, the white-coated soldiers pulled their triggers, and fired through the brown-coated soldiers.

The brown-coated soldiers fell to the snowy ground, bleeding dry. However, from the depths of the forest, more hostile soldiers marched under heavy fire.

Isaac looked around him in confusion. He was lying on a snowy field while the bullets flew across the air. The outfit he wore looked ancient, and the boots were somewhat uncomfortable. There was a set of skiis leaning against an old tree bark.

''Simo, what are you doing?!'' The soldier next to him shouted, and shook him by his shoulder.

''Eh, did you talk to me?'' Isaac asked in confusion as the soldier continued firing his rifle while talking.

''Yes, who else?!''

Isaac's eyes shook, 'Simo, old clothes, a war... I am in the past, living as Simo!'

He peered over the snowy hill, and saw brown-coated soldiers returning fire. After seeing the symbol on their wool cotton uniforms, he was hundred percent sure of his guess.

Looking down, he saw a Mosin-Nagant sniper rifle lying next to him. As he took it into his arms, he placed it into the firing stance. As one of the brown-coated soldiers raised his head to fire, Isaac pulled the trigger.


The bullet drilled through the soldier's forehead.

''Wohoo, finally awake mister Magic Shooter?'' The soldier grinned next to him, and continued firing.


A head-splitting sound echoed in the distance. A single bullet flew, and killed one of the soldiers wearing white winter camouflage.


''Shit...'' The soldier next to Isaac hid behind the hill, ''Hey, Simo. Do you mind taking this, heh?''

Isaac glanced at him, and shrugged his shoulders. As he touched his face, he noticed that he was wearing a white mask. identical to Simo's white mask.

As he aligned it with his eyes, he placed his finger on the trigger, and closed his left eye. The firing had stopped. Everyone was waiting for the battle of snipers to end.

The white-uniformed soldiers gulped. The brown-coated men grinned in their hideouts.

Isaac calmly waited. Soon, his patience paid off. In the distance, he saw a shimmer of light reflecting off a sniper scope. He immediately changed his fire, and as soon as the scope was in his sight, he pulled the trigger.


The bullet rippled through the air, and drilled through the scope before shredding through the brown-coated sniper's eye.

The soldier lifelessly stumbled down the steep snow hill, rolling down to a stop in front of the pale-faced brown-uniformed soldiers.

''Fuck, it's White Death!''

They picked up their weapons, and retreated immediately.

''FIREEE!'' The men in white rose to their feet, and started chasing after them while firing their guns. More men in brown fell to the ground, staining the white snow in their blood.

Isaac jumped over the hill, and fired the weapon in his arm like he was a grim reaper. With each bullet, several men died. It was a supernatural sight, causing the tale of White Death to become stronger in everyone's mind.

After about half an hour of chasing, all the men in brown had already retreated into their territory.

''Wohoo, good job!'' Soldiers came with a childish grins, and patted his shoulders as they walked past. They returned to their territory, and placed the dead soldiers into carriages before returning to their army headquarters.

There, several old tents surrounded by a hundred meter radius. Further away, there were wooden cottages, where higher-ranked soldiers lived.

As Isaac entered the camping area, everyone turned to look at him with a mix of emotions. They had already heard about his deed. He killed close to twenty men, and wasn't even sweating. That made many frightened, and some felt a well-earned respect.

''Corporal Häyhä!''

Isaac turned to the voice, and saw a well-dressed soldier walking towards him.

''Yes, Lieutenant?'' Like he had done it a thousand times, Isaac saluted with great posture as the higher-ranked officer walked up to him.

''The soldier that was supposed to be at guard duty today, died.'' The Lieutenant said with a grave look, ''May you take his place?''

''Yes, sir.'' Isaac saluted, and the higher-ranked officer nodded as he returned to the wooden cottages.

''Hmph, these bastards have sticks so up their ass that it's a miracle they weren't classified as popsicles.'' The soldier, who fought beside him, appeared next to Isaac, and said, while looking towards the cottages, ''There they eat warm food, living in warm buildings, while we are in danger, and eat shabby food.''

''This is our duty. Their duty is to create plans for the attack.'' Isaac strapped the gun on his back, and said, ''I am on guard duty. See you.''

''I am feeling safe already.'' The soldier saluted playfully, and returned to his tent. In there, seven men sat around a cooking pot. They talked loudly with an old accent, and strange words.

''Guys, another story coming up!'' The soldier caught everyone's attention as he picked up a bowl, and filled it with the food, ''Today, Simo killed close to twenty people!''

''Pah, no way!'' The seven men shook their heads. They had heard several crazy rumors about him. But, killing twenty? Impossible.

''It's true, it's true!'' The soldier scooped the food with a spoon, and after munching on the meat, he said, ''I wasn't the only one there. You may ask the commander, he was there!''

''Well, then tell us the story.''

''Hehe, coming up!''

After leaving the camping area, Isaac rummaged through his pockets. He pulled out a old hard bread, and munched on it. It was disgusting. However, he somehow managed to swallow it down, and felt slightly warmer already.

He reached his guard post. It surrounded him. He had a clear view to the front, left, and right. However, the back was completely in his blind spot. But, it was the other guards duty to make sure that no one manages to hit him in back.

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