White Online

Chapter 597 Isaac's War (3)

Chapter 597 Isaac's War (3)

''Time for the 19th match!'' Heimdall shouted, surrounded by the glowing light.

After the fight between Underlord, and Night, the several matches after that were high-level, but didn't have the same amount of impact. Still, the audience, and denizens of Four Seasons enjoyed the tournament.

However, there was a heavy atmosphere among the Gods, and Goddesses. After Hades' angry outburst, they discussed about Underlord, and what they should do.

There were several who thought that they couldn't leave him alone. The second-coming of Erebus wasn't far off. However, there were also those who thought that they should leave him alone. Thus, they didn't come to a conclusion.

In the Four Seasons.

''Oww...'' Luna rubbed her cheek as she woke up. She noticed a far-away ceiling, and mistook it for the sky. After the foggy vision cleared up, she noticed the pinkish walls of her room.

''My cheek... it hurts.'' She said aloud while rubbing her cheek. It felt like she got punched, very hard.

The door creaked open, revealing her worried-looking parents, and Marshall. As they entered the room with a bowl of soup, they noticed that Luna was awake.

''Luna!'' Mariah ran to her side, and as she grabbed her hand, she asked, ''Are you alright?!''

''M-Mom?'' Luna looked around in confusion, ''Why am I here?''

Mariah worriedly looked past her husband, and father. A handsome man entered the room. He was the Chief Doctor of Snowstar Hospital, Richard.

''R-Richard?'' Luna's eyes widened in a surprise, ''Why are you here?''

Richard gently smiled while placing his hands behind his back. Before getting a worried call from Mariah, and Sin, he was watching the tournament while surrounded by his notes. He had been trying to perfect the potion made from the Fountain of Life.

He was satisfied at his current process. However, first time in a month, he had to stop the research after seeing the battle between Underlord, and Luna.

After seeing the reaction, and the damage dealt to Luna, he realized that it was something serious. It wasn't the usual damage done to an avatar. Instead, very real.

''How are you feeling?'' Richard asked while checking Luna's round pupils. They reacted very well to the light.

''Umm... confused. It's like my memory has a barrier, stopping me from remembering something... However, I do have a round-about idea about the memory.''

Richard nodded, ''Those memories will return to you. But for now, you lost in your match, and got injured.''

''I-Injured?'' Luna touched her forehead. It was bandaged. At that moment, she remembered the outline of Isaac, punching a barrier. However, that fragment of memory vanished immediately.

''Where is Isaac?''

Mariah, Sin, and Marshall looked at each other. A worry painted on their faces The clash between Isaac, and Hades wasn't recorded by the cameras. However, knowing that Luna got hurt, they expected him to come check on her...

He didn't.

They messaged Whitelock's, and they went to check on him. But, he was lying peacefully on the bed, a VR Headset wrapped around his face.

Marvin entered the game, and sent a message to Isaac. However, they only received a message that Isaac was beyond their reach. Then, he tried messaging Alice, and managed to do so. He asked if she knew where he was.

She didn't know either. At that moment, they didn't know that she was in the Moon City. Without telling them, Alice went to search the entire arena.

After asking Kalzer, and everyone who knew Isaac, they all came to one conclusion. Isaac wasn't in the arena anymore. They left the arena, and saw the broken ground. They saw a ripped-off sleeve lying on the ground. It belonged to Isaac.

After searching around, there was no sign of him being anywhere in Moon City. They all wondered, where did Isaac go, and was he alright?

Luna's face changed into a worry after seeing them not answering, ''Where is he? Answer me.''

''He is still in the Moon City, most likely preparing for the fight.''

''Whew...'' Luna sighed in relief, and smiled sweetly, ''Can I return there? I want to cheer for him.''

Richard sighed, and shook his head, ''I am not sure if that's a good idea. You hurt your head, badly. Putting the VR headset on might remove the bandages.''

''Oh...'' Luna's lips curled downward. Then, she asked, ''Can I get a TV here?''

''Sure, honey.'' Mariah patted her head, and motioned for Sin, and Marshall to fetch one from the living room.


''Men, this is the moment!'' A man, wearing a fur hat, and a winter trenchcoat, shouted while standing before a hundred-strong army of white-coated men, ''Whether we die or not. We won't back down! Kollaa will stand!''

''Kollaa will stand!'' The soldiers shouted in perfect synchrony. It was like they had practiced it a thousand times for this moment.

The commander of the soldiers, Captain Juutilainen, turned his back, and gazed at the faraway valley. The artillery rounds assaulted the forest while the gunshots echoed in the distance.

''Onwards! Even if you fall, you do not stop! You may only rest when it's your corpse that is safeguarding the gates of the afterlife!''

With their skiis, the soldiers skied through the soft snow. The sky raged as the artillery rounds fell everywhere. It was like a scene from some apocalypse movie. With each artillery strike, one of the men exploded into a brilliant shower of blood.

In the middle of the horde, Isaac skiied while gritting his teeth. The artillery rounds rampaged around him. However, he managed to dodge them all. Shortly later, he entered the forest, and got rid of the kiis.

After pulling out his trusty rifle, he aimed, and fired. The bullet broke through the skull of the brown-coated soldier.

Beside Isaac, more white-coated men ran into the forest, screaming their lungs out. The bullets filled the air. The trees soon became riddled with bullet holes as the explosions rang out everywhere.

The snow blew, disturbing the vision of the soldiers. The two sides fought. Only a mere 200 white-coated soldiers fought a massive force of thousands of brown-coated soldiers.

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